Saturday, December 22, 2007
Becky Gets Spanked - Hard! From Medusa's Blog
Is there no end to the Kimkins
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Friday, December 7, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Thanks to PI Robert Charlton
Mr Charlton has stayed "behind the scenes" if you will throughout this long grueling ordeal but there are many of us who owe a huge debt to his superior sleuthing skills.
Were it not for his amazing work at putting the pieces of the Heidikins puzzle together with pictures and addresses many hundreds more victims would have thrown away not only cash but health following her evil scheme.
Please take a minute and read his blog and check out his websites.
Sometimes in the pursuit of a goal you forget those who help you move it forward. Mr Robert Charlton what you did was not only fabulous detective work but true to your craft you did it in the shadows. Take a bow please and accept the thanks of this blogger who will be passing your name and link to everyone I know in California (which is a heck of a lot of people) and I do hope I can send more work to you. Words are shallow but the gratitude of the diet community is yours.
Thank you!
Please check out this report on Heidi Kimkins Diaz' tax payment. Read about Mr Robert Charlton's private notes on Heidi Diaz surveillance and her sudden IRS donation. One can only hope she is paying forward her upcoming stint at the state run facility near her for her blights on society. Wonder how much weight one can lose doing jailkins?
To contact Mr Robert Charlton:
We are a Private Investigative agency located in southern California specializing in surveillance, criminal and insurance defense and counterfeit product. Please visit our web page at Southern California Private Investigator :: Alliance Investigative Services
Contact Information:
160 W. Foothill Pkwy
Suite 105
Corona, CA 92882
Phone: (800) 580-4749
Fax: (800) 580-4749
Another Day Another Busload Goes To Banned Camp
Welcome Miss Merize and the newest additions to the Kimkins
banned camp!
Check out Miss M's blog and join the Kimkins lawsuit.
A very good synopsis of the Kimkins fraud timeline
This site has an excellent synopsis of the time line.
Have a look and beware of Kimkins.
2002 to December 2007
2002 - Heidi Diaz, under the screen name "Kimmer", develops her version of a low-carb diet on the Low Carb Friends diet discussion boards. She reports dramatic weight loss. Some people try her diet and discuss it on the boards. This goes on for several years, with a fair amount of controversy.
2006 - Amid much negativity, in June 2006 Heidi left Low Carb Friends and with a partner who later left, founded Kimkins a fee-based Web site.
January 2007 - An issue of People magazine features people who have lost a lot of weight. One of them credits Kimkins along with another diet. This is the beginning of attention to Kimkins from outside the low-carb community.
June 2007 - Woman's World magazine features Kimkins on the cover.
At this point, the Kimkins Web site explodes with new members, taking in over a million dollars in the month of June alone.
July 2007 - Controversy in the low carb community outside of Low Carb Friends builds quickly. Heidi does a public interview on Jimmy Moore's Livin' La Vida Low Carb Podcast, which brings her further exposure. Inside Low Carb Friends, a dedicated group of members has been working hard for some time to expose Kimkins as a scam and a fraud.
August 2007 - Anti-Kimkins material (mainly blogs) on the net are now spreading like wildfire. People are beginning to report serious side-effects of the diet, and controversy has ramped to a fever-pitch. Kimkins hires a PR director to help deal with the problems. Behind the scenes, we later learn that key administrators are seriously questioning the diet. This leads to them quitting or being fired in early September.
September 2007 - Kimkins administrators leave, including PR director Christin Sherburne, who later reports many symptoms including chest pains and low heart rate. A private investigator was hired to determine the true identity of Kimkins "Kimmer and photos are posted. A lawsuit is organized.
October 2007 - The story is broken on KTLA-TV (more details here, including links to video). Photos are exposed as fraudulent.
Also, as I had a guest membership on Kimkins I responded when Kimmer posted something false about my review. In that message, I warned members to be careful about their health (copy of that message here). I was banned 10 minutes later.
November 2007 - Heidi Diaz is called for a public deposition where she finally tells the truth about her identity, finances, and her fraudulent claims. Kimkins is discussed on a national morning TV show. Another PR director, who appeared on that show, left Kimkins. (More Details on All of This)
To this point, the diet is unchanged. There is no minimum recommendation of vegetables, carbs, or even food on most of the Kimkins plans. If followed to the letter, the option labeled "most popular" would contain less than 600 calories and could be much less. Most worrisome of all is that people would not necessarily know if their bodies were being damaged until it was too late.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Do you know this woman? Kimkins is using her pic!

Have you seen this woman?
Kimkins has been using her picture on the website and all over the internet. We know it is not Heidi Diaz and we know she used fake pics not only for herself but her before and after stories as well.
If you know this woman please contact Medusa on her blog!
Stop the fraud that is Kimkins.
Kimkins as an example of internet marketing
Wanna see how Heidi Diaz conned thousands? Tune in to listen and learn.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Want your Kimkins money back?
The last six weeks have revealed a myriad of problems with the diet plan found on the website. There are health issues, identity issues and even the issue of general plan information being free elsewhere on the web.
The history of these findings can be accessed all over the web.
If you are a member of or were a member of, you are eligible to participate in a class action lawsuit that is being organized by John E. Tiedt of
There is strength in numbers and every voice counts!!!
If you would like to be a representative in the Class Action Lawsuit, please send the following to
1.) Your legal name and mailing address
2.) A telephone number where you can be reached between the hours of 11am-8pm EST
3.) The amount you paid
4.) The approximate date that you joined as a paid member
You will not have to appear in court or pay a dime.